Monday 12 August 2013

Genesis 1 - 25


Genesis 1

·         Why are the two running orders of creation incompatible?
Creation Ordering:  Day 1 - Light / Day 2 – Sky / Day 3 – Land, Plants, Trees / Day 4 – Stars (Separation of Day and Night) – Made two lights (Sun and Moon) / Day 5 - Fish and Birds / Day 6 – Creatures / Animals then Adam and Eve / Day 7 – God rested.

Genesis 2

·         Why are the two running orders of creation incompatible?
Genesis 2 Creation Ordering: Day 1 – Light / Day 2 – Sky / Day 3 – Adam / Day 4 Stars / Day 5 – Fish and Birds / Day 6 – Plants and Trees.
·         Why does genesis feel the need to pick that the people were naked.

Genesis 3

·         Why did God let the serpent trick eve when God knows everything?
·         God said to both that they must not eat or touch fruit from the tree or they will surely die – But they did not die they lived over 900 years?
·         Why was it only when Adam ate the fruit that their eyes were opened why not when eve ate it.
·         Yet again why they now are worried they are naked?
·         God talks to himself in the garden?  And if God cannot be in the presence of sin why was he in the Garden with Adam and Eve?
·         Why did God ask Adam where he was – Does he not know everything?
·         Why did God ask Adam who told him he was naked and who gave him the fruit from the tree?
·         God said Adam and Eve came from dust and to dust they will return – No hell?
·         Who is God talking too – ‘Man has become like one of us’ – God sounds very insecure?!
·         Where is the Garden of Eden today if there is a Cherubim there?

Genesis 4

·         Why did God look on favour on Abel but not on Cain?  That’s not fair that’s evidence of God turning one against the other?!
·         God yet again asks where Abel is. – Then asks ‘What have you done?’ – Seriously God you sound clueless.
·         Cain worries that people will kill him? – Who there are only 3 people in existence.
·         Cain said he would be a restless wanderer then in a few verses later he goes and settle in Nod and built a city?  How could he be restless!!!
·         Who was Cain’s wife?
·         Cain built a city and named it after his son (Population 3)
·         Enoch had a child – With who?  His Mother?
·         Lamech had two wives?  How is this possible when Cain only had a son?  And subsequently the only Girl recorded after 7 Generations of men.  So they all slept with Cain’s Wife?
·         Where did Tubal-Cain find the knowledge of making tools out of bronze?

Genesis 5

·         Enoch walked with God?  I again thought God could not be in the Presence of Evil?
·         God took Enoch away?  Where To?

Genesis 6

·         The flood occurred less than 1,656 from creation of the world why did God want to obliterate everything so early? That’s 726 years since Adam died that God decided to destroy everything!  Also that is technically 1 generation back then!
·         Who are the Sons of God?
·         Who are the Nephilim?
·         Why did Mans Wickedness?  What made them wicked surely there is a reason?  It seems to be something occurring over a period of time?  How do we determine what is wicked?
·         God’s heart was filled with pain?! So why did he decide to destroy everything?  He was going to destroy innocent children?  Innocent Animals?  Why?
·         How did Noah find favour in the eyes of the Lord?  Why was Noah blameless and righteous?
·         God commanded Noah to build an Ark and gave only a little 18inch window!
·         So how on EARTH did Noah fit every single animal in existence onto the Ark?  There are over 10 million animals?  Did he have Penguins?  Did he have Polar Bears?  Did he have every type of Animal and Spider?  Every type of Plant?  For the size of the boat it’s rather small not to mention the weight?!  Then he had to bring every type of food too?  Wow!

Genesis 7

·         How did Noah know the gender of every animal and how did he know if it was clean or unclean?
·         Wait we are now told that he is commanded to take 7 of every kind of Animal?
·         So God seems to have given 7 days to get every animal into the ark?!   That averages 15 animals per second or 992 per hour?!
·         Noah had 3 sons in one year?!
·         God said he would send the flood waters for 40 days and 40 nights then we hear the waters flooded the earth for 150 days?

Genesis 8

·         Why did God ‘Remember’ Noah?  It sounds like God forgot – ‘Oh who’s in that boat?!’
·         If God wiped the face of the earth where did the Olive Leaf come from?
·         We have absolutely ‘NO’ Proof there were flood waters!  Because it says ‘When Noah removed the covering from the ark and saw the surface of the ground was dry’ this means for 7 months he did not see outside?!  Bit convenient lol.
·         Ok so Noah killed some clean animals – Lovely!  The only two species in existence and he kills one of them!

Genesis 9

·         Children are now apparently born Evil according to God?  Why are Children Evil?!
·         God said never again will he destroy everything!
·         God says he will remember the Covenant when he sees a rainbow – So I am going to guess the earth is Random and God has no control whatsoever?!
·         Why did Noah Get Drunk?  I guess Mass Genocide will turn anyone to the drink!
·         Noah cursed Canaan for what?  He told his brothers to cover his drunken dad!

Genesis 10

·         Before Genesis 9:11 we are told that Japtheties / Hamites and Semites have their own language and then suddenly everyone has their own language?  How is this possible?

Genesis 11

·         People in Shinar decided to build a City to the Sky and believed in Unity?
·         God then decided to scatter these people because he thought that nothing they plan to do is impossible?  Why is God afraid?  Why do this? Here we have people working in Unity and Togetherness and God did not like it?!

Genesis 12

·         God blessed the whole world through Abraham?!
·         Why if God blessed Abraham did Abraham have to get Sarai to pretend she was his sister?  So Abraham lied to Egyptian officials?
·         Why did Abraham go to Egypt when there as famine?
·         Why did God punish Pharaoh for taking Abrahams wife when as far as Pharaoh was concerned it was Abrahams Sister?!  Abraham was treated well for her sake so what the fuck is God doing?!
·         At least the Pharaoh let Abraham keep everything but why did Abraham use Deception?

Genesis 13

·         Abraham made off from Egypt with Livestock / Silver and Gold so basically Abraham used Deception and then God punished Pharaoh for it?!
·         Abraham calls Lot his Brother when Lot was his nephew why?
·         What is the Garden of the Lord?  How can the Jordan be ‘Like’ It? When God wiped it out at the Flood and that Lot was not around at the time of the Flood nor at the time of Eden?  Even more so the Cherubim was blocking the Garden of Eden so how could anyone see it?
·         What were the wicked things the people of Sodom were doing?

Genesis 16

·         God allowed Polygamy and also for Abraham to have two wives why?
·         Why was Abraham so old that is impossible?

Genesis 17

·         God and Abraham formed a Covenant.  Abraham agreed to let the Lord be his God.
·         Gods Covenant with Abraham is everlasting why?
·         Why did god choose sexual genitalia of all things?  Did he do this to Cain to stop people killing him?

Genesis 18

·         God was walking again on earth with 2 other people?  I thought God does not walk on earth and cannot be in the presence of evil.
·         How did Abraham know what God looked like?
·         Where was God Going?  Why were their feet dirty?  Why did God need something to eat?
·         Why is God being Ignorant and downright rude ‘IIs anything too hard for the Lord’ Sarah did not know that this was God having a feed, such a remark is rather rude.
·         Why did God as a question about hiding what he is going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah?  And who was he talking too?  Why would a God even ask a question?
·         God had to go down to Sodom and Gomorrah to see what they had done wrong?
·         Abraham seamed to try and convince God not to kill people by using Deception yet again?
·         Why did God say if he Finds 50 people does he not know everything?

Genesis 19

·         Where did God go after this?  We are suddenly hearing that its only two angels.
·         Why did Lot live in Sodom – I thought after being taken away and all the Wickedness that he would have learned better?
·         Could it be deduced that the reason Abraham reasoned with God is because Lot was in Sodom and not because he actually cared about people.
·         Why did lot live in a city of Gays?
·         Why did lot call the Gays his friends?
·         Why did the angels ask if Lot had family surely they would have done their research?  Even so they even told lot to go tell his family to leave?  Surely a God who can do everything could do this a lot quicker?
·         How did God confirm the outcry because he said that he needed to see for himself because from what I read he the Outcry and Actions are different and he does not seem to be able to see it all from heaven?
·         Why does God seam to show favouritism with Lot and Abrahams Family?
·         Why did Lot have to reason with the Angels that he could not make it to the Mountains again this does not make any sense?
·         The angel then says he cannot do anything to Sodom until Lot gets to it?  But yet the angel also told him to hurry which lead Lot to reason with him?  (PARADOX?)
·         How do they know its Sulphur?
·         Why did God destroy Gomorrah?  The angels did not mention it until after the fact?
·         Why did God destroy innocent children and animals?  Oh yeah that’s right because he likes it!
·         No one said that looking back would turn someone to a pillar of salt!  Even so much that how did they know anything happened to the Cities if no one could see?
·         Why sulphur that surely wouldn’t burn anything unless the oxygen is heated?
·         Why is lot now afraid of staying in Zoar?
·         So Incest is also OK in the bible?

Genesis 20

·         Yet again Abraham using Deception what the fuck?
·         God yet again punished Abimelech that is fucked up.
·         God highlights he can keep people from sinning.
·         God says that if he does not Give Abrahams wife back that Abimelech will die?  And he has to apologise to Abraham!
·         Abraham confirms Sarah is his wife and his sister?  Yet at the same time previously Abraham says to Sarah when entering Egypt to pretend she is his sister?
·         Abimelech gave Abraham stuff for lying?
·         Even more Abraham lied because people did fear ‘God’ so if God was all powerful why did he appear to only affect the life of Abraham and Lott everything else does not seem to justify their God.
·         God closed up people’s womb God is a tyrant.

Genesis 21

·         Lovely Sarah who is involved with Deception and Abraham sent Hagar who was gracious enough to give Abraham a son is sent away.
·         God lived with Ishmael – while he grew up?
·         Abimelech is Afraid of Abraham and Abraham bullies him about the Well of water?
·         They swore an oath because someone dug a well?  How pointless!
·         Abraham is now calling upon the ‘Eternal Lord’ must be a different Guy!
·         Why did God say Abrahams only son?  Abraham had two sons?  Did he not know this?
·         What! God wanted to test Abraham for what purpose?  God KNEW THE OUTCOME!
·         Abraham did not even question this – Abraham was deluded though reading previously Abraham was always in it for himself?
·         Why did Abraham not question God here when he tried to reason with him regarding Sodom and Gomorrah? Abraham has clearly some mental difficulties!
·         Abraham even got Isaac to carry the wood!
·         Abraham lied to his son!
·         God mentions Isaac as his Only Son?
·         Abraham did not kill his son Isaac because ‘An Angel of God’ as opposed to God himself who told Abraham to kill his son?  Even so much as when the message is given to Abraham to stop it appears that God is the 3rd Person!
·         God again blesses everyone on earth.  I thought he did this with Noah?

Genesis 24

·         This is interesting we are told that Abraham is old.  I thought 100 was old?!
·         Place a servants hand under Abrahams Thigh?
·         God will find a woman for Isaac however the woman may be unwilling to come back?  I guess God put a lot of thought into this woman?
·         The Servant tested God and asked him to show him by a physical sign not all this ‘In my heart crap!’
·         By God controlling the mouth of the Girl that is him interfering with free will again much like the way he kept people from sin!
·         ((NAHOR is Rebecca’s father))
·         The servant of Abraham said that God blessed him greatly and made him wealthy – Oh yeah because Abraham used deception with the Pharaoh to get wealthy!
·         What ever happened to Ishmael why did Isaac get everything – what ever happened to first born birth rights!
·         Why did God need to send an Angel before the man’s servant!  Why did the woman just not materialise or come to him!  Clearly God made the woman speak specific words so interfering with free will could not be a problem.
·         The servant acknowledges there is a Distinction from his GOD and the God of Abraham.
·         The Servant told god to get the woman to say ‘Drink! And I’ll water your camels too’  When the woman actually said (Drink, my lord)  Then said (Ill draw water for your camels too, until they have finished drinking)
·         The servant still makes points that the Lord is the ‘God of Abraham’
·         The manservant is shown to have other people with him when Abraham told him to go by himself!
·         Oddly enough they gave the Girl the option – this appears that the Girls mother and brother were sceptical!
·         Why does Rebekah have a nurse?
·         Interesting that it was a done deal – that he married her that night.

Genesis 25

·         Now we see Abraham giving gifts to his Concubines sons and then sends them away.  Abraham is very pick and choosey who he honours.
·         Here we see again God showing favouritism to one son over the other!
·         How did Isaac know his wife was barren?  That makes no sense?!
·         Again here we see sinful people talking directly to the ‘Lord’ yet for some reason he never seems to talk to people now a day.  Well at least not as directly!
·         Why do the parents back then show favouritism to one specific child?  It seems they really were one sided.
·         Ok so Jacob wanted Esau’s birth right for the sake of stew?

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